Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Child friendly?

I went out with Dubya this evening and we had quite an adventure.  I can't describe all of the things we experienced in this post, but there is one event that stuck out to me.  We went into a relatively nice restaurant to grab what we thought would be a nice quiet dinner.  We were seated and immediately heard the screaming of a young girl at the table next to us.  Our waiter came, we ordered food, we were conversing and having a relatively decent time.  Again, the disruptions ensued.  Throughout our meal there were tantrums thrown, drinks knocked over, unnecessary screams, demands for attention, crying, refusal to eat her food, etc.  I thought back to a recent discussion I heard on a local radio station.  The topic of discussion was on places that are/aren't appropriate to take your children.  One of the radio announcers said that children should be banned from restaurants so that innocent bystanders don't have to suffer from the dronings of angry children.  I believe that his opinion is a bit extreme, yet has some validity.  An Applebee's, in my opinion is child friendly.  But, why do people feel it's necessary to take their children to upscale restaurants?  Are their kid's taste that developed that only 5 star restaurant food will do?  Do kids not eat mac and cheese or pizza anymore?  I have no issue with well behaved children, I rather like them!  I just get annoyed when people bring their unruly children out and interrupt a meal that I pay good money to enjoy.  If I would have acted in any way as this little girl did, I would have been removed from the restaurant immediately by one of my parents until I was able to control myself.  I don't have children, so I'm not the expert on how to deal with them.  I may find out later that the solution to these problems are not at all what I think they should be.  But, nonetheless, currently I am a single person that enjoys quiet time and the ability to converse without disruption while I enjoy a meal.

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