Friday, October 10, 2008
Stuff and things
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The envelope game
Life in Pittsburgh
Friday, July 4, 2008
I'm moving to Pittsburgh!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Am I moving, or not?
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Child friendly?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
FOXSexpert: Successful, Yet Single. A Uniquely Female Conundrum
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
By Yvonne K. Fulbright
She’s choosing not to marry. She doesn’t care if she’s attached — at least some of the time.
She isn’t problematically picky. She doesn’t have a fear of commitment. She doesn’t have any major issues or baggage. So what’s “wrong” with the single, successful, empowered female? Society wants to know. Sometimes, she wants to know herself.
We have witnessed a more dramatic change in female sexuality — and marriage, for that matter — in the last 30 years than occurred in the previous 5,000.
This is in large part thanks to enormous progress made in the realms of gender equality and greater female autonomy. With this sociological shift, we’ve seen the rise of flourishing females, many of whom are surprisingly single. The brainteaser with these deities of desirability is that many of them are choosing to be single — at least to a certain point.
Single, empowered, successful women are here to stay. Yet, with their profound presence, meeting potential partners, dating, finding romance and building relationships in the traditional American sense have been thrown into chaos.
This woman wants love, companionship, and commitment. And she’s willing to put herself out there for it. But — and this is a huge but — she’s not willing to compromise who she is or what she has rightfully earned, as is often the expectation.
While it’s easy to fault ignorant or intimidated males for not stepping up or evolving themselves, it’s no wonder that they don’t know what to do. They haven’t been bred to handle this new breed of babes. The results have been nothing but disastrous on the dating front, as women have told me:
— “My biggest problem these days is being more educated than the men I am dating. It seems to be an ‘issue’ at some level, although they don’t go so far as to say this is the real reason!”
— “I am finding that some of the men I am meeting have a lot of issues with my success. This baggage comes in the form of preconceived notions about types of women (career women, single women, etc.). They think they know everything there is to know about the ‘type’ of person I am, which isn’t always attractive, and it is simply silly …”
— “The men I date seem to think that chivalry is dead given today’s female empowerment — and it’s not! I hate not being treated like a lady on a date.”
— “I’m still waiting for the Oprah show featuring a bunch of single men lined up, ready to receive training on how to adapt to the needs and desires of today’s single, successful women — instead of it always being us accommodating them!”
In knowing these attractive ladies personally, I can tell you that all of them exude confidence and convey a sense of togetherness that would seem to ensure dating success. Yet thriving is thwarting their love lives. Their prospering presentation somehow attracts men in the short-term, but alienates them in the long run.
Is it any wonder that many single, successful, empowered women find themselves recovering from a series of promising relationships that mysteriously derail? Cruelly, society’s scrutiny of the situation becomes “What’s wrong with her?” It’s only natural for the woman to wonder then, too, “What’s wrong with me?”
Here are a few of the things that may be wrong with her:
She’s bringing home the bacon.
Women are moving into the workforce and don’t need anyone to take care of them — and their children. They are more educated and have careers to envy. For the last few decades, we have seen women slowly closing the gender gap in education, health and economic power. Many anthropologists have argued that we’re actually reclaiming a status we had hundreds of thousands of years ago, so we are in our element right now.
She doesn’t have to marry for sex.
Females are expressing their sexuality as never before. For better or for worse, females are having sex sooner, have more partners, marry later, have fewer kids, leave their marriages for better ones, have less remorse for the sex partners they have had, are committing adultery ... Many are also taking their sexual satisfaction into their own hands, with or without a male.
In fact, one long-term Australian study found that single women have twice as many orgasms as married women. Researchers found that 56 percent of sexually active women with no current partner could reach climax every time via self-pleasuring versus only 24 percent of the women with partners. The reason: they’re better at connecting with themselves.
She doesn’t have to be submissive.
Married or not, equality is the norm in today’s relationships. A companionate union where lovers see each other as peers is expected and demanded. If a man is a bit “old-fashioned” in his ideas over dominating a relationship, he’s got another thing coming with these women.
She can be more selective.
While single women are criticized for having standards that are too high, theirs is really a matter of not having found the right man or that they are exercising caution. She does not want to give up everything that she has worked so hard for, and forfeit the powerful part of her identity, in order to please a man.
She’s more interesting than ever.
She knows that there’s a lot more to life than planning her wedding day and how to get to the altar. She’s embracing all that life has to give her, chasing interests she wouldn’t have the time for if enmeshed in a relationship. Still, her hope is that she may find a partner equally interesting ... one day.
With all of these aspects of her life in place, the woman’s only comfort — though not very comforting — is that she’s intimidating on the dating scene. The very traits that lend themselves to success in the professional world are sabotaging her love life. There is nothing “wrong” with her.
It’s just that she’s been dealt an entirely different hand — an arguably better one at that — when it comes to finding love. And when she reminds herself of the position she’s in, she knows that it’s not a bad one. She can take her time in finding what she wants — and do it on her own terms.
The men I attract.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Should dating really be this complicated?!
AMAZING customer service letter.

Why take a back seat?!
Figure out what you are going to do with Mickey. What is the hold he has on you girl? Now I am good at giving someone else advice, but can't live by what I tell people. Anyway, hear what I say 'chile! Enjoy life! You are a superstar! You are a cutie pie, smart, trendy, nice shape, and a mouth on you that can run away any riff-raff! You are a Diva, honey and you rock in my book! That is saying something, because you know I think I am the Diva of all time! LOL!Anyway, you are SEXY, (not in a gay way). My Mom always used to tell me, sexy is a state of mind, your beauty is in the inside and it exudes on the outside. Sexy is not how your body looks or wearing short skirts to let your legs show and your boobies out. Sexy is a state of mind, an attitude, a certain way you think. I have always been told by men that I was sexy and I didn't understand it because I am a larger woman and I hate my chicken legs. When I would explain this to my girls they would always start talking about how real mean love "sexy" women. A woman with a good job, a woman who can walk with her head high, a woman who has it together (or at least appear that way). The way she walks, talks, and keeps her cool. Dub, you are all of those things! So just sit back , chill and enjoy life. Yo' man is 'roun da corna!
Yours in Zion,
Hi, are we still 15?!
Last night was crazy! I got woken up again in the middle of the night. boo! Well I got an email from our favorite person in the world today and thought you'd like to see what it said. Kind of funny. I'm so excited for the fan club preparations/founding ceremony to begin tonight!!! :) I guess this is an issue they've talked about because this happens basically every night and Debbie Downer's (DD) reasoning was "well I've done it since I was 16 so I just don't know any differently" Hi you have 3 other roommates you need to respect! And if you agree in a roommate meeting to not do things anymore...then do it! And don't keep talking about other peoples issues in front of others!
Thursday, May 22, 2008

For the past couple of seasons, for some reason I've been really enjoying reality TV shows. To be honest, there really is no worth to these shows, but for a short time helps each of us to feel better about our lives. This is, of course, because all of the "contestants" on these shows make absolute fools of themselves and act like complete idiots! My favorite to date is Brett Michaels Rock of Love. Absolutely priceless. Anyway...this season I let a couple of friends convince me that "The Bachelor" is the best show of all time. I watched with anticipation for the final 3 weeks and found myself growing more and more attached to the show. I deeply hoped that Amanda would be the love of his life and they would live happily ever after. Unfortunately, Amanda was surprisingly kicked off of the show leaving 2 girls left. The next week, I again watched with hopes that Chelsea would be the final one, because Shayne was just plain obnoxious and quite frankly, a typical blonde bimbo! The final episode came, Dubya, Vegas and I watched with sheer anticipation and to our dismay the idiot chose Shayne!!! I was so upset with myself that I wasted 3 weeks watching this ridiculous show. Before my short obsession with "The Bachelor" I became increasingly attached to American Idol. I have to admit that I've been an avid fan for the past couple of years. However, the intensity was much greater this year. From the auditions to the finale I was a die hard David Archulta fan. He wooed us week after week with his sultry, well controlled voice. He was on spot each week and proved that he has what it takes to be an American Idol. The final week came and the two finalists were of course David Archuleta and David Cook. David C is from KC, which is where I live, so the whole city was cheering for his victory. Since the beginning, I was a David A fan and I was going to stick with it until the end. Well, tonight was the finale. We sat and watched anticipating the fateful moment when we were sure that our favorite contender would be named the next big star! He had a flawless night last night, how could he not win? The moment came, the announcement was made and David COOK won! We were so disappointed. How could he win?! Every song sounds the same, and he's going to be guaranteed a record deal? Am I really going to have to hear him on the radio time and time again?! After this announcement, I again was upset with myself that I've spent so much time doing nothing productive. 2 hours a week to sit in front of the tv and cheer for someone and be fully emotionally invested in their success. I think in disgust of all of the things I could have done instead of laze around and grow increasingly attached to these mindless shows. I eventually will learn my lesson and turn the damn tv off!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Gas...or Gun?

BUTLER, Mo. -- A local car dealer is holding a controversial promotion involving guns.
Max Motors in Butler is offering anyone who buys a car the choice of $250 in gas or a free semi-automatic handgun.
"Like I say, it's a choice -- protection or gas," said Walter Moore with Max Motors.
Moore said he came up with the gas or guns promotion.
"We got high gas prices, theft, carjackings, innocent people getting hurt," Moore told KMBC's Chris Nagus.
So far, the handgun is a more popular choice.
"Right now were running 80 percent toward the gun," Moore said.
"Love guns, we all need to have guns," said Jerry Hertzog, who was buying a new truck. "Guns or gas or fuel, I'll take the gun anytime."
But the idea isn't popular with everyone. One viewer told KMBC that he believes the promotion is dangerous.
"I don't understand what's the bad idea. Telling people they have a right to protect themselves," Moore said.
Moore said most of his customers already own weapons.
"I get in a vehicle to bid a trade, there are guns in the seats, guns in the back windows. Everybody has a gun -- there's no backlash," Moore said.
Moore said the dealership will hand the customer a certificate to get the gun, but you must pass a background check.
The local police chief said he is OK with the promotion as long as the weapons aren't handed out at the dealership.
I'm still in awe of this. 80% of all of the customers are choosing the hand gun?! I have a couple of thoughts on this. First, how would anyone come up with the idea to give away a free gun with the purchase of a car?! The two don't go together at all. It's not like saying that you'll give a free dvd player with the purchase of a tv! Cars and guns aren't in anyway associated with each other! Second, you can tell that the dealer isn't quite at scholar level, because he started out a sentence with "We got high gas prices....". I'd be willing to bet that he wasn't the smartest kid in English class. Finally, I am shocked by the fact that there is such a positive response to a free gun! I'm sure people are going to this specific dealer instead of the competition simply for the fact that they will get a free gun! I'm convinced that this only happens in the midwest. This reaffirms every stereotype that the only thing people in the midwest have to do is shoot things and marry their relatives. I've been considering buying a new car, so I may head out to Butler, Mo and see what kind of gun I can get with the purchase of my brand new, oversized, 4X4 truck with a gun rack in the back!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Who said Kansas wasn't amazing?!