Monday, May 26, 2008

Why take a back seat?!

Here is another favorite e-mail sent to Dubya on a day I felt extremely convicted in the worth of women.  

"Oh, I have a feeling this is going to be great!  I bet you $1 that they hang out all day today because she doesn't have school and he can slack off and not go to work!  I wonder if he told her any truths about himself!  If he did, that's a huge step!  I thought about this on the way to work and I think you need to copy and paste this into an e-mail:
Good morning dear friend!  I heard a small rumor that Vegas got a love letter on her car last night and that it was from RTFB!  At first nothing about this situation was the least bit odd, but then I realized that RTFB has no idea where Vegas lives or what her phone number is.  So, then I got to thinking and I remembered that he was hanging out with you last night.  So, I'm putting 2 and 2 together her (let me know if I'm way off base) that you probably were a part of this whole situation.  I thought "that's great that she wants Vegas and RTFB to date" but then again something wasn't quite fitting together.  Ah ha!  I remembered, it's that you have a big fat secret crush on him!!! So I'm kind of confused as to why you would intentionally lead him to another girl.  This is really strange, unless you've overcome your deep eternal crush and realized that you two are better friends than lovers.  This has to be the case, because it would be absolutely ludicrous for you to be a part of, and even endorse, him pursuing one of your friends.  I hope that you aren't taking a back seat and hoping secretly that RTFB and Vegas will not work out and he will some how fall for you due to the fact that you're such a good friend that you put your personal feelings aside to make him realize that you truly are the one for him!  RTFB is a grown man and doesn't need your help in finding someone to date/love.  And you don't deserve to sit on the side lines and wait for someone to finally figure out how absolutely fantastic you truly are.  If he doesn't see all of this on his own, pushing him off on another woman surely isn't going to do it.  You shouldn't have to convince someone of how kind, caring and compassionate you are.  These are all characteristics that you have and it saddens me to think that you don't seemingly recognize them in yourself.  I say this because if you did, you would know that any man worthy of your time would see these as endearing qualities and have a true desire to be with you and not selfishly ask you to put your feelings aside for him to pursue someone else.  I'm not trying to discredit RTFB at all, he is a great guy and anyone would be crazy not to see all of his good qualities.  He might be the best guy in the world, but he may not be the best guy for you.  I love you and want to see the best for you, because I see the best in you.  You deserve someone that sees all of your qualities at first glance and that can't live his life without you. 
Enough said?!  I have to tell you that I was typing all of that so fast and with such conviction that I almost broke the keyboard!  It angers me when women can't see their divine worth and think that they have to just wait around for a man to validate it!!!!!!!! Come on ladies! 
Ok, maybe I should step down off of my soap box for the day.  I've felt so adamant about so many things that I think my soap box deserves a rest!
I think that you should call your bf.  And let me tell you why!  *soap box again...I think!*  Remember how yesterday you kept telling me that I needed to call that guy to get him to come hang out because I hadn't exhausted all means of trying to contact him?!  Granted, I don't have a crush on him and don't want him to be my eternal companion, but it's the same thing!  If you want Mickey to hang out with us and you have a true desire to get to know him better, you have to be willing to take the plunge and just CALL HIM!  The only true way for this to end (or begin for that matter) is if you take it into your hands and (wo)man up and do it!  I feel the need to write you a letter from me too!!!
Hello dearest friend!  I can't help but think continually about your situation with your future husband, with whom you'll have beautiful children.  I thought to myself, "Dubya is so great and I don't know how to get her to believe it".  Here goes:

Figure out what you are going to do with Mickey. What is the hold he has on you girl? Now I am good at giving someone else advice, but can't live by what I tell people. Anyway, hear what I say 'chile! Enjoy life! You are a superstar! You are a cutie pie, smart, trendy, nice shape, and a mouth on you that can run away any riff-raff! You are a Diva, honey and you rock in my book! That is saying something, because you know I think I am the Diva of all time! LOL!Anyway, you are SEXY, (not in a gay way). My Mom always used to tell me, sexy is a state of mind, your beauty is in the inside and it exudes on the outside. Sexy is not how your body looks or wearing short skirts to let your legs show and your boobies out. Sexy is a state of mind, an attitude, a certain way you think. I have always been told by men that I was sexy and I didn't understand it because I am a larger woman and I hate my chicken legs. When I would explain this to my girls they would always start talking about how real mean love "sexy" women. A woman with a good job, a woman who can walk with her head high, a woman who has it together (or at least appear that way). The way she walks, talks, and keeps her cool. Dub, you are all of those things! So just sit back , chill and enjoy life. Yo' man is 'roun da corna!

Yours in Zion,


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