The summer of 2007 came and went with a flash. The festivities were amazing and the “fun meter” was broken time and time again. Whether we were playing beach volleyball, blowing up watermelons or going to a theme park, fun was had wherever we went. Dubya and I were talking at the beginning of 2008 and decided that there was absolutely no way that this year would top last year. This is due mainly to the fact that Estacia and her gang weren’t going to be in Kansas City to liven up the activities. The forecast for the entire summer was predicted to be doom and gloom, there was really nothing to look forward to. UNTIL!! The Weekend-o-Fun occurred! What did this Weekend-o-Fun consist of, you may ask!? Too many absolutely amazing things to put to words! However I’ll try to portray the most amazing parts…Tin foil dinners over a camp fire that turned out to be absolutely disgusting. This normally wouldn’t be funny, but Dubya’s got so burned that she only got about 2 bites that she drenched in ketchup. We knew we should have bought hot dogs, but despite our better judgment, we were forced to eat charred potatoes, carrots and beef. Gross!The next day was probably one of the most amazing days in history. It probably ranks up there with the discovery of America, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, and Edison’s invention of the light bulb. I know what you’re thinking, those were all amazing events in time! But, Saturday, May 17th, 2008 will forever go down in the record books as “the day that demolished the fun meter”. Only few were present for the full amazement of this day, but those who were will always remember…It began as an apparently normal Saturday, but the events kept building and building to be more and more great. The day finally ended with a trip to the Smithville Carnival. This by far was my favorite activity of the weekend. We arrived ready for whatever was to come our way. Most people go to a carnival to enjoy the rides, the food or just the atmosphere. But not us! The most exciting thing for us was the carny folk! And, yes, there are pictures with Louie and Dubya hanging out with our favorite carny! Practically toothless, tattoo ridden and a smoky odor may deter some from spending quality time with any of these treasured people, but not us! We rode rides, we ate funnel cake, we laughed, we completely took in the entire experience to its fullest. The only regret that I had this whole evening was not getting my picture taken on the fire truck with all of the dreamy firemen!After all of this greatness, some may not be able to continue. But, Sunday came and we were bound and determined to make this day just as great as the previous one. We planned a picnic to a near by art museum and invited a couple of friends to join us. We had a delightful sack lunch and deep conversation. We were convinced for a split second that we saw Michael Jackson, which really would have topped the weekend off! We enjoyed our time basking in the sun and spending time together as friends. We then wandered to a grassy field with numerous, larger than life, shuttle cocks. Intrigued, we climbed on them for pictures to document this momentous occasion, only to be told by security to get off of the art work!The day was coming to a close, which saddened all of us because this truly was a weekend to remember. We ended the day with a movie and a session of “Guitar Hero”. I believe we all felt completely satisfied with the events that occurred. We will always reminisce fondly about the weekend of May 16th, 2008. Friendships were strengthened, emotions were flying full throttle, and a tiny bit of romance was present. I ask you, how could this weekend have been improved?! I say unto you…it is not possible! I now doubt mine and Dubya's previous conversation that 2008 and will never come close to the amazingness of 2007. If this weekend is any indication of what is to come, all I can say is “Ladies! Buckle up, this is going to be a wild ride!”
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